I have been trying to figure out what works best for us as far as organization, keeping our cirrculum together, etc. So after a little research I decided to do workboxes. We have little room in our home so I came up with doing 1 workbox with manilla folders for each subject inside. For instance whatever math we will be doing will be in the math folder, reading worksheets & books my preschooler will read will be in the folder, etc. Our workbox includes a kitchen timer as well because there are days when he complains that it takes too long or he doesn’t want to do school so I explained to him how the timer works & this seems to work so far. Here is an awesome blog that has different workbox methods:
My toddler’s workbox, my preschooler’s workbox, the other shelves contain other cirrculums for my preschooler (art books, science, our abacus, Hooked on Phonics cirrcilums, Bible books, Puzzles, misc. cirrculum.)
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