Trying out the workbox system


I have been trying to figure out what works best for us as far as organization, keeping our cirrculum together, etc. So after a little research I decided to do workboxes. We have little room in our home so I came up with doing 1 workbox with manilla folders for each subject inside. For instance whatever math we will be doing will be in the math folder, reading worksheets & books my preschooler will read will be in the folder, etc. Our workbox includes a kitchen timer as well because there are days when he complains that it takes too long or he doesn’t want to do school so I explained to him how the timer works & this seems to work so far.  Here is an awesome blog that has different workbox methods:

My preschooler’s workbox

This year is a trail run for us, since my oldest will be offically beginning kindergarten next year I am trying to find what works best for us. I purchased this Melissa & Doug wooden calendar / dry ease board at a consignment store. All the numbers, months, seasons, years are there but we needed more so I printed some clip art, laminated them, cut them and glued magnets on the back of them. We needed homeschool magnets so I made: science, history, math, spelling, reading, homeschool field trip, playdate, music, sports, art, Bible, church magnets. So for instance today I had my son take all the magnets & we did the calendar together, putting the numbers on each day, then for this week we added our activities (today playdate, shopping, Thursday – homeschool field trip, Friday – Happy birthday Jesus party) so when my son looks at the calendar he knows what we are doing for the day. Then on the dry ease portion of the board I made a homeschool magnet & I added the subjects we will learn about today: music, art, Bible, math & reading. I am hoping this will keep me organized and it will keep my son involved! Once he has completed all of the planned subjects he can move the magnets off the board & we will start over the following day.

My toddler’s workbox
For my toddler his workbox is smaller (until I get him a larger box) it now contains books on things I am & will be teaching him soon (shapes, ABC, etc.) plus I have some pattern cards I made (look under thrifty homeschooling), animal flash cards, color matching game & hsi activity binder I made him. I do need to get him a larger box because he like to color & do crafts so I need a box that I can do the manilla folder set up with him too.
We have a 8 cube shelf where a majority of our school materials are in our livingroom.

My toddler’s workbox, my preschooler’s workbox, the other shelves contain other cirrculums for my preschooler (art books, science, our abacus, Hooked on Phonics cirrcilums, Bible books, Puzzles, misc. cirrculum.)

This is our 18 cube shelf that holds all their educational games, down stairs books, eduational games, flash cards, etc.

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